Friday, July 13, 2007

Back to the mainland

Well a couple of days in Bremen was nice, and relaxing. Got to see a beautiful city once again. Took it easy and just wandered around a bit. We were too early for the Beck's Brewery tour but we weren't too put out about it. Had a nice little pub crawl to finish our last night visiting the lounges on the riverside.

Wednesday we took off to the Netherlands by train. Had some time so we stopped in Amsterdam for a few hours. Just saw some of the main sites but it was alright. It was kind of like a beehive. Very busy with a tonne of tourists. I was pretty happy to get to the Hague and see it wasn't the same way.


Sebastian picked us up at the train station and it was great to see him. His parents are out of town so we're staying at there place. The first night, as we got in relatively late, we just had a couple of beers and relaxed. Thursday, Sebastian took us for a tour around town. Beautiful city, and had a great day of sampling some foods. Makky (Marijke) came home from work and made a meal for us while we waited for Steve to get in on the train, was great to see her again as well and we all had a great night visiting. Heading off to Delft and Gouda shortly. Makky's mom is making a meal for us as well. Tomorrow a party on the beach and get to meet C-bas' parents on sunday.