Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Still amazed by my friends

More craziness now in the Netherlands. Most of our time with C-bas and Makky has been eating and drinking coffee and beer, you know the tough life. Saturday we hung out till we started our evening. Dinner was awesome; a little place down the street from us. Stephan, a good friend of C-bas joined us. Great food and we even started getting a bit crazy in the restaurant. Took some Tuktuks to the party. Little open 3 seater motor bike taxis that are incredibly fun. Our party was on the beach Slevendigen (or something like that). Amazing boulevard filled with restaurants and bars and casinos that seem to go on forever. Our party was a lot of fun. Just some dancing and drinking and good times. However, C-bas got kicked out for apparentely no reason. So we left. Went down the beach to a place called crazy pianos. Pretty cool there but it was the end of the night.

Recovered the next day and met C-bas' parents. Another great couple of people, just get home and all they could do was feed us more and take care of us. We almost stayed another day because Fritz offered us a tour on his boat, but on to Brussels.