Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ready for Prague!!

Not sure of my last post but Steve and I have had a few good days. Finished Munich in style with meeting some great Scottish lads in a beer garden. Steve had a few too many maß beers. Ok I might have had my share too.

Moved on to the Harz mountains to my German friends dad's place. Unfortuneately he was only around the first night but we did well on our own. Saw a couple of very cool castles and did some self guided tourism. Was good to see the castle in Blankenburg is now being worked on as when we were here last is was falling into ruin due to private ownership since the wall came down and years of neglect in East Germany.

We're now at the end of our stay in Berlin and we've found some great tours. Got on a free one yesterday in the city that was quite enjoyable and informative (and it had a free beer at the end, whoo-hooo!) and today we saw a former concentration camp outside of Berlin - Sachsenhausen. Pretty dark stuff.

But things are looking up. Off to Prague early in the morning to visit C-bass and his buddies. Should be a wild weekend. I'll visit Britta from there and will hopefully be able to attach some more pics then.